Saturday 10 September 2011

Chapter 2 - Dig Up A Man

 We could hardly wait 'til Monday, but as Lucy cleverly (not) pointed out, "We have to wait, idiot." Still, the night before the gig came quickly enough, and we're all getting ready in our own special ways. You could say that me and Lucy practise the normal way, as we actually, you know, practise our instruments, but Pax has weird ways of dealing with things and he chooses to drink coffee. Right now it's been seven cups and it's not actually midday yet, so I'm sort of fearing what he's going to be like when we're near several bottles of Heineken.

 "Oh God... I'm gonna fuck up real bad," Pax keeps on muttering to himself.
 Lucy walks over and gives him a proper hug, and I'm surprised when Pax doesn't pull out of it. "You'll be fine. Just, please, lay off the beer. We don't want that starting again."
  They rest like that for a few moments, leaving me a little uncomfortable. "Time to go, guys. And Pax, Lucy's right. You're a great drummer. But if you have one bottle of beer I will high-five your face."

 As we get there we see the bartender gathering some cocktail (that word always makes me laugh. It shouldn't but I'm so incredibly immature). Pax grins and walks over to her, saying, "What drink's that and does it have beer in it?"
  "No, it has no beer. It's a blend of strawberries, raspberries and a few dashes of vodka. You want?"
  Pax turns around with a look in his eyes that says, "Ha ha, motherfuckers!" and grabs one, shoving some money into the bartender's palm. "This has no beer. I'm drinking this!"

 Me and Lucy sort of look at each other, but we realise he's right. We said no beer, so he got something stronger. "Your fault," I mumble.
 "Yours. Anyway, we're up!"
  "Pax, hurry the fuck up! We're on!"
 He slams his seventh drink down and slurs, "Fiiiinneee."

  I look out onto the expecting audience. Normally I really like all the attention on me - call me an attention whore if you must, but it comes naturally - but now it seems like the eyes are peircing my skin and getting into my bloodstream. "OK, for this first song we're going to do a little cover of a song you may or may not know. Any of you guys heard of Incubus?"
  Quite a few cheers and I grin. "Well, this song is called Dig - one of Pax's... our drummer, "I add when I see people looking confused, "favourites. Now, who's wanting to dig up a man?" The ladies cheer. "What kind of man?"
  I laugh, my nerves suddenly gone, and they laugh with me. "Well, look around! Many of these men will be happy to make you happy and confident with yourself, and if you ever turn into someone else they'll dig you up and make you be yourself again - and that is what we encourage. Well, here goes!"
 I sing. They cheer. I smile, feeling so good about myself, and I look around to have a look at my bandmates. Lucy's strumming the guitar like an expert and Pax is grinning, although whether it's from the alcohol making him dosy or the fact that he's actually enjoying himself...? It's hard to tell.
  "If I turn into another
 Dig me up from under what is covering
 The better part of me..." I launch into the final chorus, singing my heart out. When I finally finish the song, the crowd roars and I'm left feeling... amazing. No other word for it.

  As I sing and play the bass, I notice a beautiful man looking over and smiling. I guess everyone had avoided him because he was dressed entirely in black apart from the bright red shoelaces of his Converse. Smiling back without thinking, I look into his eyes. So pretty - all amber, but with loads of warmth - and it feels like I'm melting. I MUST talk to him later, I think before turning my attention to a dark song Lucy wrote called Scissors and Knives.


 I walk over to him a couple of minutes after the gig ends, trying to get to know him. "What's your name?"
 At first I thought he ignored me and kept on drinking, but he turns his head around and looks deep into my eyes. He has got to stop doing that if he wants me to make sense, I think, before realising he said something. "Sorry, I was in my own mind there. What's your name sorry?"
  "It's fine. My name's Cameron Boyd. You?" His smile is beautiful and his eyes are still fixed onto my face.
  "Er, Sunnie. Sunnie Edison."
  "That's pretty," He says. I'm about to ask him for his number before he gets up and stalks off.

 I walk over to him and he taps me on the shoulder. I freeze at the sudden contact and he seems to think like he's done something wrong. "Sorry, did I scare you?"
  "No, it's fine... just me really, it's just this thing that... anyway, what do you want?" Shut UP Sunnie, you sound like an idiot!
  "Well, your number if that's OK?" He asks, smiling his brilliantly handsome smile.

  It's short, I know, but at least it's out. This is sort of a filler chapter, there will be other things happening later on! Again, please comment at:
Thank you!

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